Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Comparing news coverage of Tiller's death with a woman who died from an abortion

Here is a story that will not surprise you.

Jill Stanek reports a story about a woman who dies from an abortion. She contrasts the news about Tiller's death with the death of this woman. The national press did not cover the story. But then again, think back and remember all the news blackouts on the important events that would have galvanized public opinion in favor of the pro-life movement. The national media is so much in the back pocket of the abortion industry that they will never point out the horror of abortion and how it affects men, women and children throughout this country.

You will remember that here in Arizona two women died at one particular abortion mill and the national press pretty much ignored the story. That abortionist was convicted for the death on one of them and went to prison for manslaughter.

You will remember that here in Arizona a prominent abortionist went to prison for molesting hundreds of women during their examinations before, during and after their abortions. The national press never picked up the story.

After writing a glowing story about this abortionist years ago, this was the best that the New York Times could muster - a one paragraph briefing.

So why is it not surprising that the press ignores the death of a woman from a botched abortion.

It is not news. It happens all the time.

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