Those of us in the pro-life movement will speak about every human life being a miracle of God. We say it so many times that it is easy for the meaning of the words to become lost on us or even worse to take for granted the unique gift that is every human life and what God intends for that person should he or she seek to do His will.
Our energy and focus on stopping the killing that goes on all around us and our efforts to educate our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens can be draining and often frustrating. The infighting, the failure to treat people with respect, the sometimes deliberate attacks on well meaning efforts, will drive people away and tempt them to give up the fight.
So when a crisis occurs that requires us to direct our attention toward that which is most important, it is amazing to see the hand of God at work.
Melanie Pritchard is a dynamic young woman whom I have had been privileged to work with for many years now. I watched how her passion for the right to life developed and how her enthusiasm for teaching young people to respect themselves, their lives and others infected her friends and students such that they became ambassadors for the pro-life message. I witnessed her love for Doug and how their beautiful relationship led to marriage and children. Watching her be mom was a kick. As I saw my own two daughters grow into examples of Christian women, so i saw Melanie become an example of what happens when we say yes to God.
So it was only too shocking when I received a call from Melanie's mother, Sherry, telling me of the crisis of events and that Melanie was near death after the trauma during labor and delivery.
That was all we could do. Pass the word for everyone to pray. And so we did. And so we all did. And by the grace and mercy of God. our prayers were answered.
I saw Melanie this afternoon. She is awake, alert, making jokes, eating, sitting up and still in need of our prayers. Her heart is "tired" after all this trauma and needs to get stronger. Her surgery is still very painful. But her determination is inspiring. As the saying goes, she isn't out of the woods yet. So please pray for her and Doug and the family. Pray for her parents Jim and Sherry and for Sherry's parents who have serious health issues. Pray for the doctors and nurses who have been and are caring for her. Please give thanks to Almighty God for her life and those who were there to assist and treat her. And a special thanks to God for Melanie's brother Larry, who was able to advise and act in ways to get her the advanced medical care she needed.
But most important pray that throughout this nation we may once again value and cherish every human life as those of us who know Melanie cherish her. Think about those in your family and take a moment to reconcile any issues that are separating you from them. Forgive any grievances and ask forgiveness for any hurts you have caused along the way. Realize that God loves us through others and we in turn express the love of God when we love one another. In thanking God for His mercy in healing Melanie and bringing us all through this situation, let us use this moment to become better people; first in our homes, then in our schools, our churches, and at work. Let us recommit ourselves to defending innocent human life at all stages, at all times, in all situations. Let us be about the work that God has intended.
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